Thursday, 21 May 2020

Secondary School Enrolments Yr 9 2020 Information

Year 9 Enrolment Information 2020

 Kia ora

 I hope this finds you all safe and well. I know you will have a lot on your minds at the moment, in this strange new world we are living in.

One thing that we usually do at this time of year is send home information to parents of year 8 students about open nights and enrolments for Secondary School, 2021. This year, for obvious reasons, the secondary schools will not be holding their usual open evenings.

Some schools have already opened their online enrolment procedures, others will be taking enrolments soon. For most schools, enrolment closes Friday 31st July but PLEASE check with your preferred school for their closing dates as some differ.

 In the list below I have included some links to school websites and/or enrolment information from some of the schools that our students go on to. Please note this is not a comprehensive list of all available high schools, nor us promoting any particular school. For a comprehensive list, please follow this link:

 We will continue to pass on information as it comes to us. If you have any questions, I encourage you to contact the school directly. They will be happy to make time to talk to you about your child and their learning.

 If you need any support, please email myself or one of the other year 8 teachers. If you don’t have access to online enrolment, paper copies can be picked up from the high school offices. Or contact us and we will organize some for you.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Make a weather machine - Friday Challenge

LEARN: A Cloudy Lesson
WALK: How were the clouds made in the video? What was the device they used? Did it work well? Is that really how clouds are made? Imagine you were in charge of making a device for other types of weather: rain, thunder, lightning, wind - what sort of device might you use to make those? What would it look like? How would it work?
CREATE: Design your own weather making device.
Plan, draw and label a device that would allow you to create a type of weather. Choose between rain, thunder, lightning or wind. Make sure you label the different parts and what they do.

Enjoy this timeless and cloudy tradition passed down from grandfather to grandson ending with a wonderfully warm twist of creativity. See this and more great...

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Centre of mass sculpture - Thursday Challenge

LEARN: How to Make Balancing Sculptures.

TALK: How do the sculptures manage to stay up? What it the 'centre of gravity'? How can it be used to make a balancing sculpture? What objects could you use to try and make your own balancing sculpture? How many items do you think you could add to it?

CREATE: Make a balancing sculpture.
Collect different, surprising items from around your house and put them together to make your own sculpture. Try adding more or less items. Did it work? Why or why not?

SHARE: Share your balancing sculture on your blog.

Physics! Engineering! Kinetic sculptures! Snacks! Learn about the science of stability (and instability) while making these delicious DIY balancing

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Puppet Show - Wednesday Challenge

WATCH: The Handrils
You can make puppets out of anything: Socks, wooden spoons, paper bags, paper and sticks, some pen drawn on your hand, or just your hands, some movement, and practice.
Decide on a theme, write a script and create your own puppet show.

A hand puppet piece by Sarah Nolen. Created in 2018 while attending Alice Gottschalk's workshop, "The Language of Material and Objects" during the National P...

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

If superpowers were real - Tuesday's Blog Challenge

WATCH:If superpowers were real...
TALK: What if super strength wasn’t just the stuff of comic book stories or Marvel movies? Is it scientifically possible to be super strong?
DO: Ask yourself - If you woke up one morning with 1,000 times the strength you had the night before, what would you need to be the most careful about? Choose your own power and create your own comic with yourself as the superhero.

What if super strength wasn’t just the stuff of epic comic book stories? Is it scientifically possible to be super strong? In this series, Joy Lin tackles six superpowers and reveals just how scientifically realistic they can be to us mere mortals.

Monday, 11 May 2020

CRT Challenge

Hidden Stories - Monday Blog Challenge

WATCH: Hidden Stories - Dorothy Vaughan
TALK: Look at the grown-ups in your bubble (especially the old ones). Do you think there is a story from when they were growing up that they haven't told you? Ask the grown ups in their bubble to tell you how their lives were different from how your life is today.
DO: Ask your grown-ups to tell you about a time in their past where they did something they were proud of. It does not need to be a big thing (like going to the moon), in fact, a little story is better.
  1. Choose the best hidden story from the ones your grown-ups tell you.
  2. Turn that story into a children's book.
  3. The book must tell the story in only 6 pages
  4. Here is an example of how to make one
  5. Illustrate your story and use it to inspire others in your family.

And if you can, watch the movie Hidden Figures because it is amazing. See the trailer here: (
The story of Dorothy Vaughan, a groundbreaking African-American mathematician and human computer who worked for NASA and helped put humans on the Moon. Produ...

Friday, 8 May 2020

Auto Draw Tutorial - this helps you draw like a pro

Viking Runes - Friday Blog Challenge

WATCH: The Secret Messages of Viking Runes
TALK: Who were the Vikings? Where did they come from? What did they use runes for? How would you use runes if you were a Viking? What sort of message might you want to leave?
DO: Write a secret message using Viking runes. Use the Viking version of the alphabet (found here to translate your secret message. Swap with someone inside your bubble to uncode.

Learn the history of Viking runes, the ancient Norse language of symbols that make up an alphabet called the futhark. -- With their navigational skills and a...

Thursday, 7 May 2020

How to make Bit Emjoi Scenes Tutorial

Tutorial for Bit Emoji

This is being creative and I spent a bit of time making this by following the link to the tutorial. I had fun making this and you will too. I am on to my third scenery.

Link to tutorial:

3D drawing - Thursday Blog Challenge

WATCH: How to draw a cubetacular hole in your paper
TALK: What did the artist use to make this drawing? What skills do you need to create it? What was each step the artist took? On a scale of 1 - 10 how difficult do you think it would be?
DO: Draw a cubetacular hole in a piece of paper.
Have a hunt around the house and find all the things you need. Don't have squared paper? Ask an adult in your house to help you create them using a ruler. Follow the steps in the video and don't forget to show us your results!

See how to draw a hole 3D illusion in this simple anamorphic drawing illusion. I hope you LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE!

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Northern Lights - Wednesday Blog

WATCH: The Northern Lights in real time (VIDEO BELOW)
TALK: What would you think was happening if you saw the Northern Lights over your house? Does anyone in your bubble think the stars have looked different in the sky during lockdown? Has anyone in your bubble ever seen a shooting star? What about a satellite?
DO: Work out what time is it in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Go to to view the Northern Lights for real.
Use this link to see what stars will be in the sky tonight directly above where you live.
When it gets dark see if you can match the stars on your map to the ones in the sky.

This breathtaking video of the Aurora Borealis is not a time lapse video — this is what it looks like in real time. It was filmed in Yellowknife,