Thursday, 30 April 2020

Ideal bookshelf - Thursday Challenge

LEARN: At these copies of Ideal Bookshelf by the book-loving artist Jane Mount. Then watch this video of Jane painting one of her Ideal Bookshelf paintings (
TALK: Which books would be on your ideal bookshelf? Jane only lets you choose a top 10 (maybe 15 if they are skinny). Interview the people in your bubble and get them to choose theirs.
CREATE: Create your ideal bookshelf either by painting, photography, Google drawing or actual drawing.
Look up the books you have chosen for your picture on the internet (or gather them together if you have copies at home). Now arrange them so they look perfect. What order will they need to be in? Colour? Theme? Symbol? Ranking? Now get to work.
Can you create ideal bookshelves for other members of your bubble too?
SHARE: As always, share you creations on your blog.
You can see a whole lot more of Jane's Ideal Bookshelves on her website.

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