Thursday, 16 June 2016

A Frosty Morning

As I step out of the toasty warm car I feel the frosty temperature nip my nose. It’s cold enough to freeze a rat inside and out. I make my way up to the front gate and walk up the swirvy path,since the year seven and eight class is at the end of the big buildings I make a quick short cut between the kindergarten and the pool.

As I walk upon the frosty-glazed grass I hear it crunch beneath my feet.  The sound is somehow satisfying. I look down and see distinctly how the frost defines the skeleton of a leaf unlike on a humid summer morning.

The school is quiet but will be buzzing in the next half hour. I slowly approach my big classroom and ignore taking my shoes off because I will probably get hypothermia in under two minutes. I step into the class and the warmth envelops me like a warm blanket, I am glad I made it into the warm classroom.  

By Hollie

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